Advanced Review: Star Wars Adventures 20 from IDW Publishing


This month brings the close of IDW Publishing’s latest trilogy of Clone Wars era stories, so of course it’s convenient to end it with a story including everyone’s favorite moody Jedi Master-in-training Anakin Skywalker, as well as the all powerful Master Yoda. The Separatists’ presence in Wild Space is a mystery that Master Skywalker is sent by Master Mace Windu to uncover, but while on the planet Retta he’s surprised by Master Yoda who is also there to accompany him due to a presence felt there through the Force.

While trying to sneak around Separatist forces led by the evil General Flebek, our heroes run into an old friend of Yoda’s named Kreeda, who’s the last of a race called the Segredo. We discover that he’s been on this planet using a secret power to hide himself and others from the war currently raging in the galaxy. Anakin contemplates how this ability could be used to the Republic’s advantage by making Kreeda a spy, but is quickly interrupted by General Flebek and his droids.

Anakin is able to trick the opposing forces and take them all out before the refugees can be discovered and Yoda decides not to tell anyone what he and Anakin discovered.

Panel from Star Wars Adventures #20 by George Mann (photo courtesy of IDW Publishing)

IDW has done a great job of bringing us fun adventures that everyone can enjoy, and they don’t disappoint here. Any fan of The Clone Wars TV series will instantly find things to like here. Nothing beats when Master Yoda gets involved in missions for the Republic, and the lesson that Anakin has to learn here about the innocents that suffer during times of war, is something that everyone can take to heart.

Panel from Star Wars Adventures #20 by George Mann (photo courtesy of IDW Publishing)

We also get another Dispatch from Wild Space which includes a story about Jedi Barriss Offee who’s sent on a mission to seek out an old book in an ancient temple. She has to call on her faith in the Force to see her through to the end, but after obtaining the book only to have it turn to dust in her hands we all learn a lesson together: it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. This issue was definitely a winner and everyone should head to their nearest comic shop and pick up a copy.

Be on the lookout next month for an all new adventure starring Luke and Han with issue #21!

Star Wars Adventures 20:

  • Writer – Cavan Scott, George Mann
  • Art – Derek Charm, Valentina Pinto
  • Cover – Derek Charm, Valentina Pinto
  • Page Count – 32 pages
  • Cost – $3.99


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