
Ashley Wilbanks

A Star Wars fan since 1978, he has a passion for all things Star Wars and wonders why May the 4th is not a national holiday. He lives in the wastelands of middle Georgia with his wife, two girls, and two dogs.

Poster for Upcoming Video Game – Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Released

We know next to nothing about EA's upcoming game Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, but at least now we have a poster. In anticipation...

Out of Print Launches New Retro Star Wars Clothing Line

Soon, a new line of clothing from the “all things bookish” brand Out of Print Clothing will resurrect some iconic first-edition Star Wars novelization...

Diamond Select Toys to Sell Star Wars Products Under the Gentle Giant Name

Some interesting news is coming out of Diamond Select Toys this week concerning their Star Wars products. It appears that all of their Star...

Rian Johnson on What to Expect for Star Wars Episode IX

Josh Horowitz from MTV News recently had a chance to chat with Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson at CinemaCon, and asked...

Anovos Announces Important Update on the State of the Company

Anovos has long been a company dedicated to producing and selling quality Star Wars film accurate costumes and props. They started out with a...

New Excerpt from Claudia Gray’s Master & Apprentice Novel has revealed a second excerpt from Claudia Gray’s upcoming Star Wars: Master & Apprentice novel. We have embedded the excerpt below, but you...

Star Wars Celebration Chicago Exhibitor Exclusive Pins Revealed!

If you have been keeping up with the official exclusive pins available at Star Wars Celebration Chicago, then add these to your checklist. Eight...

Discover the Secrets of Dooku: Jedi Lost

In a tale set during her days as a Sith Apprentice, Asajj Ventress has a new mission: uncover the secrets of her master Count...

Promo Artwork for Star Wars Episode IX Leaked?

Keep in mind that some people aren't fans of spoilers, so remember that when sharing this article over social media... Before you get all...

Lightsaber Combat Changes Coming to Battlefront II

With the arrival of the next update we will be making the first of some changes that we have planned with lightsaber combat. For...

Official Photos of the 2019 Star Wars Celebration Exclusive – R2-R9 & R2-B1 Two Pack ARTFX+

Kotobukiya has officially unveiled their Star Wars Celebration Chicago exclusive R2-R9 and R2-B1 two pack ARTFX+ statues ahead of the convention. Kotobukiya has provided...

Official Photos of Gentle Giant Star Wars Celebration Exclusives!

Gentle Giant Ltd. Is traveling to Chicago, IL this month to attend Star Wars Celebration April 11-15, and they’re bringing two popular Clone Wars...


Star Wars: Poe Dameron 5 Preview

Marvel has released a 7-page Star Wars: Poe Dameron...

NYCC 2016 Sideshow Booth Photos

It is that time of year again.  Time for...

New Kotobukiya Star Wars: The Force Awakens Han Solo and Chewbacca ARTFX Statues

Han Solo and Chewbacca return to Kotobukiya's ARTFX+ Statue...