The website Hits Double Daily just revealed that the composer for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Gordy Haab, is currently working on music for an untitled Star Wars video game at Abbey Road Studios, London.
The posting gives us a look at a photo featuring Haab alongside yoga teacher Brigitte Bedi-Schnur, actress Patricia Heaton, video game director David Hunt, conductor Gavin Greenaway, Lucasfilm’s Douglas Reilly, EA music head Steve Schnur, and engineer Alan Meyerson. What makes this photo so interesting is the fact that Haab was the composer for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and that Greenaway also worked on Fallen Order. Steve Schnur is the head of music at Electronic Arts, the publisher of the Star Wars Jedi franchise, which is another obvious giveaway.

The one head-scratcher is the inclusion of David Hunt. While he was the one in charge of the original Fallen Order game, he doesn’t have anything to do with the sequel. The sequel belongs to Stig Asmussen, who is not in the picture.
Is this really for Fallen Order 2, or is this some other EA Star Wars game that has yet to be announced? Keep it here for more information as it develops.
When does Fallen Order 2 arrive? There’s been no official announcement of release dates, or even the official title of the game. Rumor has it that we will see our first look at the game (possibly a trailer) at Star Wars Celebration in May. Depending on when production began on the sequel, we might see it as early as this year, if they began production immediately, and plan to re-use the engine and at least some art assets. If not, then expect 2023 at earliest.