Welcome to Star Wars Art Attack, where we bring you the coolest Star Wars art you can find on the Internet this week!
First up is a piece by artist Ario Anindito titled “The Bounty Hunters”. This piece was created for the Star Wars Day exhibition.

Next we have some fantastic art by Kayla Woodside. The piece is titled “The Last Princess of Alderaan”. This piece was an official piece done for the Acme Archives Star Wars themed art show “Join the Alliance”. It will be offered up as an official print on the Acme Archive’s Dark Ink website www.darkinkart.com where it will be only available from September 5-September 15.

The next piece, by artist Christopher Burdett , was done for the upcoming Fantasy Flight Game Star Wars Imperial Assault. It is called DXR-6 Disruptor Rifle. The image features a Trandoshan firing a DXR-6 rifle.

© 2014 Lucasfilm, Ltd. TM Lucasfilm, Ltd. Under license to Fantasy Flight Games
Next we have a piece by artist JB Casacop. This one is for the card game by Fantasy Flight Games, “Draw their Fire”. It is part of the second “Force Pack” in the Rogue Squadron cycle. The name of this particular card is called “Shien Training”.

Tom Hodges gives us our next look with a nice Princess Leia piece. This piece of art is actually one he has up for sale at his Etsy site. You can snag this one for a cool $150.00. Check it out below!

Finally we have a nice new Captain Phasma piece by Aj Estrada. Check it out below!

Come back next week for another round of awesome Star Wars art from a galaxy far, far away!