
S Michael Lyons

An avid Star Wars fan, Sean is an emerging science fiction and speculative fiction writer originally from Fairfax, Virginia. He currently lives in the Australian Outback with his wife and two dogs.

Inside the Stormtroopers: Part 3

In the final installment of inside the Stormtroopers we cover the seemingly benign, but in reality quite important topics of task organization, procurement, and...

Inside the Stormtroopers: Part 2

In part one of Inside the Stormtroopers we investigated why our subjects had such varying reputations. We concluded that their notoriety for inaccuracy as well...

Inside the Stormtroopers

In my series Inside the Stormtroopers, I’ll be examining one of the most iconic elements of the Star Wars universe. In part one we will...

Star Wars: Armada; The Star Destroyer in the Living Room

Star Wars: Armada may well be the best Star Wars board game ever made, not that there is all the much competition at the...

Battle of Yavin; Pyrrhic Victory?

Of course we are all familiar with the Battle of Yavin, the heroic triumph of the fledgling rebel alliance over the Galactic Empire during...

The Force Awakens; Star Wars Done Right

What can be said of The Force Awakens? Obviously it is one of the most anticipated movies of the year if not the decade,...

The Prequel Trilogy, Story Telling, and Unreliable Narration

Regardless of your feelings about the Prequel Trilogy the fact remains that they are an indelible part of the Star Wars Saga. Given this...

The Dark Reality of Life on Tatooine

At first glance the galaxy far, far away seems to be innocent enough. Sure there are your scoundrels, despots, and megalomaniacal evil warrior monks,...


Rosalind Halstead Added to the Cast of Star Wars: Andor

As we get closer to the end of the...