
Ray Snedaker

Who reads this? Do people read this stuff? Well, if you're here, I applaud you for slogging your way here. I am an avid reader of all genres and write whenever I can. I also watch plenty of television and movies without my brain turning to mush, so I got that going for me. And although I don't have as much time for it as I'd like these days, I'm also a big gamer.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way Out of Cloud City…

I remember the first time I saw Luke lose his hand to Darth Vader in Cloud City. I was around six years old and...

Retro Review – Star Wars: The Last Command

I grew up experiencing two different eras in Star Wars: before the prequels and after the prequels. That’s not to pass judgment on the...


Your First Taste of the Rogue One Score

Back in September Rogue One was still set to...

Anakin Vs Obi-Wan Test Footage Might be Better than the Screen Version

People can say what they want about the Prequel...